Acquiring & stewarding great Utah businesses.

Handing over the baton.

You've spent decades building a business — a labor of love that has become a cornerstone of your community.

Now, you're thinking about the next chapter.

At Decada Group, we understand the weight of that decision. We're not just buyers; we're stewards of your legacy.

Our mission is to partner with retiring business owners who have dedicated their lives to their businesses.

We take the baton, honoring your hard work while propelling your business into a bold new chapter.

What we look for.

We seek out small businesses that are not only profitable but have deep roots in our community.

We are particularly interested in businesses with the following attributes.

Our Acquisition Approach

We only buy businesses from owners who want to sell. We don’t do turnarounds or takeovers. We acquire the full company or a majority, controlling position if a seller wants to stay on and work together to grow stronger together.

Strong Fundamentals

We seek businesses that are profitable with a solid customer base and a proven business model. Our ideal businesses provide high customer satisfaction, strong differentiation, and high margins. We value recurring revenues and customer/revenue diversity.

Community Focus in Utah

We live and work in Utah and are committed to doing business where we operate. We seek businesses deeply rooted in their local community with a commitment to making a positive impact. Ideally, these businesses are located within a two-hour drive of Salt Lake City or are relocatable to Utah.

Industry Focus

We are intentionally diversified, but we prefer simple business models that are easily explained at a bar and are likely to endure well into the age of AI. We avoid restaurants, focusing instead on industries that have a straightforward, lasting appeal and strong potential for long-term stability.

Business Size & Stability

We look for businesses generating between $2M and $10M annually, with a committed management team in place that isn’t reliant on the owner. We value enduring profitability with a demonstrated history of profitable cash flow over multiple years.

Where we can be good owners

We seek businesses where we are uniquely suited to usher your business into its bold second chapter while honoring its first. Our ideal businesses are those where our capital, long-term strategy, and outlook can breathe fresh life into the operation and your team.

Our promise to you.

At Decada Group, we understand the emotional journey of selling your business.

You've poured your heart and soul into something remarkable, and you want to ensure its future is secure.

If you’re considering selling and want to ensure it remains in good hands, we invite you to reach out.

Respect Your Legacy: We honor the history and values that you’ve built into your business.

Provide a Smooth Transition: We work closely with you to ensure a seamless transition that benefits you, your team, and your customers.

Invest in Growth: We bring in the resources and strategies needed to take your business to new heights.

Foster Community Ties: We maintain and strengthen the bonds your business has with the local community.